Monday, April 9, 2007

The first week


Typically, you win more games at home than on the road. So the opening home-stand bodes poorly for the Nationals. 1-6 is a bad start. 1-6 at home is even worse.

On the positive, the starting pitching at least is getting better. That’s not saying much… but the starters are going longer and giving up fewer runs. That’s positive.

On the negative, the bullpen was overused in the first week. What is probably the best part of the team could get worn down too soon.

I did make it to one game over the weekend. The announced attendance was over 16k. Really? I took a photo and will upload later. But it looked more like 6k than 16k…


J-Red said...

Seems like half of the Nats' season ticket holders this year are just reserving a place in line for the new stadium. I can't imagine the Lerners are feeling too confident right now though.

Nats Bad said...

Are they really counting season ticket holders who don't show up? That's wrong. Very wrong.

J-Red said...

That's standard procedure for all the major sports right now. One year the AL counted tickets sold and the NL counted butts-in-seat. Currently tickets sold is the measuring stick.

Nats Bad said...

Thanks for the clarification, j-red. I'm typing out my letter to Bud Selig right now.

J-Red said...

From the American Journal of Statistics Education (which I'm sure you read)

"The National League had used "turnstile counts" as its measure of attendance through the 1992 season, after which they began using tickets sold. The American League counted actual tickets sold throughout the period covered by the data. Thus, all American League attendance figures and National League attendance figures after 1992 include all tickets sold (including those not used)." Cochran, James, Journal of Statistics Education Volume 10, Number 2 (2002).

Nats Bad said...

J-red, you know everything. And I appreciate that.